Non-Profit Update #12 | Business Cards, Fliers, & Body Cameras.

In this video I explain that I am about done designing the business cards and fliers. We also discussed safety in our last meeting where we came to the conclusion that it may be a good idea to have body cameras.

Sponsor-A-Can Update #11 | Adding photos to the encampment report tool form.

In this video I show you how photos to the encampment report tool form.

Non-Profit Update #10 | Homeless Camp Reporting Works! Here’s how!

In this update I discuss how to use the reporting feature on Sponsor-A-Can and how to collect your location. The goal of this is to provide the non-profit with a location to go help the homeless people. You can check the site out at:

Non-Profit Update #9 | Got the Non-Profit’s Bank Account Set Up!

Finally got the bank account for the non-profit. This is a big step, glad to finally have made it to this point! I am excited for the journey ahead!

Non-Profit Update #8 | It’s Alive! Formation meeting done!

Just adjourned our formation meeting. Pumped, nervous, anxious - choose a word.

Non-Profit Update #7 | Soon, a Launch Date, New Members, Meetings Oh MY!

I don't have much to say, doing this to build that habit, and it's good for paperwork. Planning a formation meeting for this Friday, working on the time.... I'll get back. Let me know if you're interested.

Update #6 | Non-profit to provide regular garbage collection at homeless encampments.

Update #6 - Non-profit to provide regular garbage collection at homeless encampments.

Update #5 | The main next step is federal filing.

Making progress on the design stuff, going to be starting on the logo this weekend, as well as getting everything filled out federal wise.

Update #4 | Finally licensed in Washington state.

FINALLY! I have finished applying for a non-profit through the state! One big hurdle done, on to the others! Now that I am filed in the state, I can move forward making relationships with state entities, and hopefully get this ball really rolling! It will be good to develop rapport with the homeless communities and …

Update: Making progress & coming up top battling the unknowns.

Making progress, battling the expected unexpected hurdles at his time, but making progress. Here's to hoping I can disclose everything in about a week and a half.