Become a Sponsor

Why is it called, “Sponsor-A-Can”?
We seek to fund our efforts by offering ad space on our garbage cans as we clean up our community.
Why sponsorships?
In our initial information gathering we quickly discovered that trying to establish contracts with businesses in the area would prove to be difficult. Larger corporations typically do not care about their surroundings so long it does not impact their bottom line and smaller businesses may not have the budget to request regular clean ups. We also recognize that we should not limit support to businesses, that residents would like to see their community clean as well. The hope is that we find people who think this is a good idea and would like to support us.
How Do We Select Where to Clean?
We have a couple thoughts on how we can handle this. We will clean up based on hitting a monetary threshold for regions.
- We will ask you in the form to the right which Zip Code you would like us to focus on with your sponsorship.
- When someone donates we will ask where they would like us to focus. We will do this by asking what zip code, city, or county.
- Each region will have a monetary threshold we need to achieve before we can embark up on clean-up effort. We are based out of Silverdale, Washington, so as you can imagine the threshold to clean up in Silverdale is lower than cleaning up in Gig Harbor.
Available Sponsorships
Selecting to Sponsor-A-Can will be a physical sponsorship on a can and include a listing above the digital sponsors on the Sponsors page.
- Text only 10″x3″
- Full color 5″x5″
- Full color 10″x7″
- We are considering offering full can wraps. Let us know if this is something you’re interested in.
Web-Only Sponsor
This is a sponsor that will appear on our website.
- Text & Link
- Text, Link, & Graphic.
Our goal with the pricing was to get as close as possible to one tank of fuel plus some maintenance. Our most expensive on-can sponsorship will approximately pay for the lease of the truck for that day, insurance, one tank of fuel, maintenance, and two hours of labor for collecting garbage, this is of course assuming that we are servicing the Central Kitsap area, it does cost more for us to go beyond Central Kitsap. The prices below are subject to many variables and are surely to fluctuate with the market and discovery of new costs.
Our goal below is to give you a good idea of what it costs to get us going for the day and what it costs for each subsequent hour following:
- The initial start of day cost is $250*. This affords us to pay the lease, insurance, one tank of fuel, and two hours of labor.
- If is it a day where we need to rent a trailer it will cost us an additional $60 this is the cheapest and largest (truck towing capacity) option we have been able to find before purchasing a trailer.
- Our labor rate, including insurance and taxes is $50 per hour per person at this time and is also subject to change. We decided that this is the minimum rate we are willing to risk our lives for.
- Assuming we have a two man team, each hour after the initial start-up will cost us $150/hour.
- Please understand this is our best guess at this time, prices will change as the business grows and the markets change.
Projected Costs
Labor cost assumes a two man crew. Prices subject to change.
First Hour (Clean Up) | $250.00 |
First Hour (Carts) | $305.00 |
Following Hour(s) | $150.00/hr |
Trailer | $55.00/day |
Revenue organized by tier – YTD.
On-Can Sponsors | $0.00 |
Web-Only Sponsors | $0.00 |
Donations | $0.00 |